This is a double entendre. I am going to show you the two ways you can interpret, how to imagine in reality.
Neville covered the story of the founding fathers of the United States by quoting Robert Frost, from an interview with Time magazine. The exact quote, "Our founding fathers did not believe in the future,
they believed it in." Neville goes on to say they brought in the government they desired through their power of belief. What they imagined was reality, in their minds. They beheld it as completely natural. And it manifested!
“The time it takes your assumption to become fact, your desire to be
fulfilled, is directly proportionate to the NATURALNESS of your feeling of already being what you want to be." ~The Power of Awareness
Imagine in reality by making your imagination as ordinary as you can, just a fact of your life, the same as your name. Imagining in reality brings your reality in, you are believing it in.
But it doesn't feel natural, how do I achieve the naturalness of feeling? By persistence, by creating a scene or scenes that imply your desired reality is fulfilled in the third dimension. You simply occupy the desired state. Frequent occupation leads to naturalness of feeling. You are breaking it in until it feels so natural it becomes your nature. It becomes your reality.
But! but! but! Forget all the buts, disregard everything in the outer world that contradicts your reality, be faithful only to YOUR REALITY! You are believing it in by believing in it.
And oh, that scene or those scenes can be so much fun. How's your imagination today? Have fun with it and do it all, just for fun. One week I had fun by affirming, I attract a lot of money. I said it off and on that week, laughing every time I said it. I did not take into account how I would get money, I just affirmed it. The following Tuesday I was doing some self-love affirmations. One of the affirmations was, something amazing happens to me today. I said it three or four times, in a happy state, then I dropped it, the same way I had dropped, I attract a lot of money. I did it all for fun. That very day I received a check in the mail for $724. I could never have devised how it came, and it did not matter, I had $724 in my hand.
Have fun imagining, and just as the founding fathers believed it in, you have imagined your reality in (believed it in) through imagining in reality (the naturalness of your desire).